“Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need.”

- Frederick Buechner

Supporting One Another
At Synod 2023, our diocesan community of communities committed to supporting one another in renewing our commitment to, and pursuing God’s mission in these concrete ways:
  • Hiring a coordinator to facilitate the work of missional renewal
  • Facilitating parish-led discernment processes in service of the following goals:
    • Providing a reality check (where are we now?)
    • Identifying community gifts and the world’s needs
    • Setting and prioritizing missional objectives by discerning how God is inviting each community to use its gifts in response to the world’s needs
  • Providing specific support to parishes wishing to set and prioritize missional objectives through
    • Offering focused leadership formation opportunities 
    • Compiling, developing and sharing tools for parishes 
    • Seeding imagination through examples and case studies of imaginative, possible, and proven ministry transformations