A1.1 To learn about Diaconal ministry and the symbolic and functional roles of a Deacon, we expect that the group will meet regularly with their candidate to engage in discussion, the reading of diaconal education materials, and learning about the gifts and skills of the candidate. The Diaconal Commission will provide relevant reading material and other resources if required. A member of the Diaconal Commission will meet, if requested, with the discernment group to help them clarify their standards for working together, to provide guidelines, information, resources about the Diaconate and assist with the planning and implementation of the Parish/Congregational training event.
A1.2 To participate in the education of the Parish/Congregation regarding the symbolic and functional roles of a Deacon. We expect that the group will write articles for the parish newsletter, or pew leaflets, about the role and function of a Deacon, and with the incumbent’s assent arrange for a series of sermons to be preached on the subject. We also expect the group to be prepared to do an educational component about the Diaconate at the next congregational meeting.
A1.3 To use objective criteria and critical skills in addressing the serious questions before the Parish/Congregation and the candidate. It is necessary for the group to explore and discern and to share that discernment, prayerfully with courage and insight, to both the applicant and the Parish/Congregation. The group must be able and willing to offer feedback, and raise insightful questions. The group must also be willing and able to provide a safe, confidential place for each candidate to share feelings, experiences and review learning.
A1.4 To be a perceptive advocate of the candidate. If you see your candidate struggling it is important to engage the issues, not avoid them. If you see attitudes and behaviours in your candidate that worry you, you must bring them to the attention of the candidate and, if you are seriously concerned, to the Incumbent and the Diaconal Commission. The Diaconal Commission, in consultation with the Bishop, will be responsible for any decision made regarding a candidate in this situation. Please note, this group even though it is an advocate for the candidate it is not a lobby group with the Bishop or the Diaconal Commission on behalf of their candidate.
A1.5 To participate in the Parish/Congregational training event, which will be led by a member of the Diaconal Commission.
A1.6 To begin to help the candidate discern and clarify her/his call to the Diaconate, we expect the group to do study session(s) with the book Listening Hearts. (See Appendix D). This may be done as part of the regular meetings of the group with the candidate. The sessions need to include an exploration, and examination of the candidate’s sense of call by God to ordained servant ministry. The group should also meet at times, without the candidate to formulate questions and discuss issues.
A1.7 To aid both the Parish/Congregation and the candidate in discerning and clarifying their outreach ministry, we suggest that the Parish engage in an identification project of outreach ministries in their communities, and further identify how a Parish Deacon may minister in the identified areas.
A1.8 To understand the financial commitment to the programme that is required of both the Parish/Congregation and the candidate. Deacons who are functioning in their parish will be given financial support to attend other ongoing education as written in the annual covenant agreement. A minimal standard is outlined earlier in this document. (See section 4.1.9)
A1.9 To keep the Parish/Congregation informed about the process and the decisions made in the Parish and in the Diocese regarding the candidate. This is to be done in cooperation with the Incumbent, who will have the final say in how this process ought to be followed.
A1.10 To make a recommendation, in conjunction with the Incumbent and support group, regarding the candidate, to the Diaconal Commission. The Parish/Congregational report needs to be sent to the Diaconal Commission no sooner that six months after the Parish training event, led by a member of the Diaconal Commission, has been completed. The discernment group should consult with the candidate’s support group as they write the Parish report. The Parish report along with a report from the Diaconal Commission will be sent to the Bishop.
A1.11 It may be necessary to offer a negative recommendation about the candidate. In that case, the group must express its concerns, come to a mutually acceptable conclusion, and share this with the Incumbent and the Support Group. It will be the responsibility of the Incumbent to convey the decision of the group to the Diaconal Commission and to the Bishop. The Commission, in consultation with the Bishop, will speak with the candidate, (and the candidate’s support group) to offer support, recommend appropriate pastoral care and offer suggestions for redirection.
A1.12 To assist the Church Committee in the writing of a covenant, which will govern the work of the Ordinand in the Parish/Congregation. The covenant will then be sent to the Bishop, for his/her consideration. (See Appendix E).
A1.13 The group may need to exist for a period of years and therefore membership may change. The group and the Incumbent, in consultation should devise a way to release and celebrate the work of retiring members and a way to appoint new members. NB: When the candidate is ordained, this group disbands. _____________________________________________________________
A2 Members of the discernment group will be:
A serving Warden is preferable, however, said Warden may stay with the group when his/her term of office ends.
Two people appointed by the Incumbent
Two people chosen by the candidate, one of who need not necessarily be a member of the Parish, who shall reside within the boundaries of the Diocese of Kootenay.
One member of the group who brings experience and insight from outside the Parish but from within the Diocese.
The incumbent may be invited to attend the meetings for a specific purpose
A6 Expectations of a Discernment group
maintain absolute confidentiality
meet regularly
become knowledgeable about the Diaconate
become knowledgeable about the Diaconal programme in the Diocese of Kootenay
maintain a liaison with the Parish council
undertake to teach the Parish about the Diaconate
understand the financial commitment to the programme that is required of both the Parish and the candidate.