Faith at home doesn't need to be complicated, require buying more stuff, or having a degree. It doesn't require parents to have all the answers or never to have doubts. Doubt isn't the opposite of faith, it's an element of faith. Which is why, simply attending to your own relationship with God in a faith community seeking to embody the way of Jesus makes a huge impact.

Research says that these are the most significant practices for building faith at home:

  1. Discussing faith questions with one another. "I wonder..."
  2. Engaging in prayer and bible stories together and alone.
  3. Observing rituals and family traditions (e.g. marking Advent, Lent, and other Christian holidays in some way)
  4. Serving others, and explicitly drawing a connection between faith and service
Faith at Home: A Handbook for Cautiously Christian Parents

Many parents may feel reluctant or unsure how to share their faith with their children. Some are hesitant to bring faith practices into the home for a variety of reasons. This is a simple, gentle book that offers a variety of ways to practice prayer, bible reading, and marking the church’s calendar. Written by a progressive Episcopal priest who specializes in children and family faith formation.

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Sabbath in the Suburbs: A Family’s Experiment with Holy Time

A non-judgmental, welcoming approach to bringing more sabbath rest to a busy family schedule. The writer recounts with honesty and humour how their family tried to bring sabbath into their lives and offers other families the chance to do it in doable and realistic ways.

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Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home

Traci Smith is a parent and pastor who has written a warm invitation to consider simple family rituals and traditions for faith at home. She gets the business of family life and focuses on doable things and making choices that work for one’s household

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