What is Spiritual Direction?

To grow spiritually, first we pray.

As Anglicans, we emphasize the gifts of both personal and communal prayer, having learned that an evolving, faithful, and growing Christian spirituality develops in community. This might take place in a small group setting (such as a prayer group or Bible Study), in our shared practice of Common Prayer, through praying the Daily Office, and also with the skilled accompaniment of a Spiritual Director. 

Simply put, Spiritual Direction is an ancient Christian practice that takes place in relationship with a gifted and trained spiritual companion who journeys with you as you come to better know, love and follow Christ in all aspects of your life. Spiritual Direction is neither psychotherapy nor counselling. It is not about solving life’s difficulties but entering more fully into the mystery of life.

Thomas Merton, a twentieth century monk and mystic put it this way:

Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director – the Holy Spirit – hidden in the depths of our souls.

What Kind of Director?

You might find it helpful to take some time to prayerfully discern the type of person who might be most helpful to you as a spiritual companion:

  • What brings you to spiritual direction at this time in your life?
  • What is your experience working with a spiritual director? Is this a first experience of spiritual direction?
  • What importance do you ascribe to the person's age, language, gender, spiritual tradition, or ordination status?  
  • What time of day would best serve you for meetings?
  • Would you prefer to meet in person or online?
Connecting with a Spiritual Director

Below you'll find a list of names and contact information for people who are spiritual directors who are willing and able to see more people. The Diocese of Kootenay does not endorse or recommend particular spiritual directors. We only list the potential spiritual directors we are aware of.

You can also search more broadly through organizations like Spiritual Directors International.

Diocese of Kootenay Spiritual Directors List SDI Spiritual Directors List
Your First Meeting

When you speak with a potential Director, you may want to ask them some of the following questions.  It is often wise to speak with more than one person before choosing the right director for you.

  • What spiritual formation and theological education do you have in spiritual direction?
  • What is your personal experience tending your own prayer, meditation, and contemplative life?
  • What is your experience as a spiritual director? How many years? In what environments? What are you most interested in spiritually?
  • Do you have a Director and Supervisor?
  • What ethical guidelines do you abide by, such as those published by Spiritual Directors International?
  • Have you ever been accused or convicted of misconduct?
  • What type of engagement agreement will we establish to clarify roles and responsibilities, frequency of meetings, in our spiritual direction relationship? 
  • What is your fee schedule?
Criteria for Licensing Spiritual Directors Spiritual Director Code of Ethics

Options for Retreats & Conferences

From time to time, it is good to get away for intentional times of prayer or reflection. The following are a few retreat centers in the area.