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They were trying to follow Jesus at the heart of a violent empire. They saw creation groaning, they saw the stranger excluded, they saw women and slaves abused. How did Paul write hope to the believers in Colossae? How does that hope shape our lives today?

This course  is for anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the Bible and its relation to contemporary life. All are welcome, regardless of denominational or religious affiliation. No prior knowledge of the Bible is necessary.

Course Format and Requirements

Each class will run on zoom for two hours with a 5 minute break half-way through. Although the bulk of the class will consist of Brian teaching, participants will also be able to post questions and points for discussion in the chat which Brian will monitor and answer. Powerpoint will be used periodically to show biblical texts and illustrations.

Each class will be recorded. Students who miss a class can request a link to watch the recording.  Registrants can also follow the entire course through the recordings. The recordings will not be posted in any other context.

There are no assignments and no required reading for this course, although suggestions for further reading will be made as the course progresses.

About the Teacher

Dr. Brian Walsh is an author, theologian, activist and farmer. He served for almost twenty-five years as a Christian Reformed campus minister to the University of Toronto, where he founded the Wine Before Breakfast community. 

Click to Register Through the Bible Remixed Website