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August 17, 2024


Dear People of the Diocese of Kootenay,


I write to you on the anniversary of the night Okanagan Anglican Camp was destroyed in the McDougal Creek Fire. We still give thanks that the evacuation was successful, and all the campers and staff were safe.    Many others in the Diocese were evacuated from their homes and suffered losses from fires last summer, and some are still recovering from trauma.   Please pray for all who suffered in fires last summer as well as in other fires this year.  Please pray for those who fight fires.   On this anniversary, please pray for the campers and staff who were evacuated from OAC last August 17.  May God give all of us courage and strength in our work to protect creation from the ravages of the climate crisis.  

As you know, In spite of the best efforts, hard work and indomitable spirit of Ian Dixon as director, as well as the Diocesan Steering Committee, and this year’s summer staff: Charlotte Hardy, Jocelyn Oland, Anna Kulina, Sailor Mceachnie, and Addison Anonby, we were not able to open the camp this summer.  However, work continues towards rebuilding. Nature has begun rejuvenation and more trees have been planted.  Birds and other creatures return.   Gradually the path forward is being cleared.  Please pray for all who are working for our future camp.  If on this anniversary you would like to donate to rebuilding the camp, in memory of someone who loved OAC or to celebrate your own cherished memories of camp,  you may donate here.   

May God build us into communities of hope, support, and resilience.   I pray that in these last few weeks of summer you may find time for restoration and renewal, and enjoyment of beauty in Creation. 


Yours in Christ,