Archbishop's Message

Revised Sexual Misconduct Policy (June 28, 2022)

Dear People of the Diocese of Kootenay,

Our baptismal vows include commitments to strive for justice among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being.  These vows are a response to the immense love of God shown to us in Christ and a way of honouring the Creator of all life, in whose image all are made.

Part of our responsibility as a Church is creating safe communities that embody that respect.  For several decades now we have required all clergy, lay leaders and volunteers to adhere to Safe Church Standards, including complying with a Sexual Misconduct Policy.  Attached you will find the newly revised Sexual Misconduct Policy. You will need to read this policy and submit a signed acknowledgement (appendix G) to the Diocesan office stating that you have received, understood, and are responsible to act according to the relationship of trust you hold in ministry.

Diocesan Council has carefully reviewed and approved these revisions.  You will know that in this particular time in the life of the Church and the world, it is more necessary than ever that we keep to the highest standards for fostering and maintaining safe communities through education and training for the prevention of sexual misconduct and of adhering to clear, fair process for making complaints and dealing with misconduct.

The Synod Office and Diocesan Council have committed to reviewing this policy on an annual basis and to revise as needed so as to continue to reflect best practices. The work of creating a climate of safety for all belongs to each of us in our parishes or worshiping communities, in all of our interactions. I am particularly aware of our need for ongoing work in dismantling racism, educating ourselves about trauma-informed response to complaints, and creating safety for LGBTQ2S+ people.  As the Primate wrote in her recent letter regarding Pride month:  “Although there have been affirmations of LGBTQ2S+ people in our church through General Synod and its resolutions (for example, General Synod 1995, Act 57; General Synod 2004, Act 37), we have work to do in their realization in the hearts and minds of parishioners in every place.”

I pray that this policy will be one practical tool for creating a community that genuinely reflects Jesus’ kingdom vision where all are respected and included. Thank you for your commitment to this work.


In Christ, 

Archbishop Lynne McNaughton

Quick Start Guide to Safe Church & Criminal Records:

  • Step 1. Read the Safe Church Program Introduction
  • Step 2. Refer to the Role Risk Assessment Guide to determine if you need training and/or a criminal record check for your staff or volunteer role
  • Step 3. Refer to the Safe Church Modules document to determine the specific training modules you require for your staff or volunteer role
  • Step 4. Contact to get your training account(s) set up and guidance on how to apply for a criminal record or vulnerable sector check

Safe Church CRC Program Introduction- Revised Jan 2023
This document outlines the program objective, how to obtain training, when training should be renewed as well as information on the criminal records program per policy 5.6.19

June 2022 Safe Church Role Risk Assessment Guide .pdf
This guide provides a list of roles and their related risk level in order to determine the type of training and criminal record check that may be required 

Safe Church Modules- Revised Jan 2023
This document outlines the specific training modules required by each role

June 2022 Sexual Misconduct Policy.pdf
Volunteers and staff are required to read and sign-off (appendix G) on the sexual misconduct policy. This can be done via Praesidium. The policy was revised in June 2022. 

For assistance with safe church training or criminal record checks email


July 2022 Update: Please note Praesidium has changed the name of the "A Day at Day Camp" module to "Keeping Your Day Camp Safe". 

July 2022 Update: If you have "telephone tree" volunteers who are in a position of trust or authority over vulnerable people, they should have a vulnerable sector check done and complete the same training as a "high risk" category LLM per the guides below.

A note on the Vector Solutions “Sexual Harassment: Staff-to-Staff” Module:

This module offers a Canadian context, however, it is based on a school environment rather than parish. Vector Solutions is working on a more generic module that we will incorporate when available. In the meantime, it is helpful to advise learners that they should make the following “mental adjustments” when going through the material:

  • Teacher= Employee or Volunteer (priest, organist, warden, administrator, etc)
  • Student= Parishioner
  • Sexual Harassment Policy= Sexual Misconduct Policy