The implementation plan, developed by the Structures Working Group (SWG), is a document of recommendations arising out of the Path Forward. It was created over time withinput from previous SWG collected data, as well as BARDS, Diocesan Council and recently the Special Synod in May 2023.
This plan was developed in conjunction with, and relates to the Provisional Values, Vision, and Mission adopted at the same Special Synod.
This plan sets out twenty-two objectives, associated tasks required to achieve them, along with those who are responsible to lead those tasks. Some will also have suggestions for who may be consulted or
be able to inform those doing the work. Another column lists required resources.
Currently, the only resources being suggested are related to the hiring of a Coordinator. The others will be added by the Coordinator and Task Force as implementation takes place. The “dependencies" column highlights things that need to happen. These may change along the way. Finally, we have the “Outcome Measure”. This is the indicator for determining that the goal has been achieved.
As a diocesan community of communities, it's important to keep in mind that this is a fluid plan. Just as our path forward will be created as we go, this plan is a beginning. It is not dictated or written in stone.
On the same note, you will see that the objectives are not numbered. Many of them will happen simultaneously and at a differing pace. Also, we were asked by Diocesan Council and we agreed to remove the dates that were suggested for each objective. These will be added as the plan comes to fruition. Hence, the need for a Coordinator to oversee so many aspects of the work.
In the first three objectives listed, you will see the word “MINDSET”. This indicates that these objectives are more about the way we think and how that needs to change, and so it is also listed under Dependencies!
We look forward to the next steps as the Structures Working Group gathers to review the feedback from Synod. Thank you for your prayerful support, questions, and enthusiasm as we take the next steps in our journey together as a diocesan community of communities.
In Christ’s Peace,
The Members of the SWG